Whakapā atu

  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry
  • Intelligent rice mill:Technology-led, intelligent processing, reshaping new standards for the rice industry

mira raihi Intelligent: Ko te tukanga ā-hangarau, mātauranga, e hanga anō ana i ngā paerewa hōu mō te umanga raihi

1. Te mahi Intelligent, te māmā me te ngāwari

Ka taea e ngā kaiwhakamahi te whakaoti ngāwari i te tukanga katoa mai i te tāurunga rauemi taketake raihi hei whakaoti i te raihi mā te mahi mata pā māmā. Ehara i te mea ko te hoahoa mātauranga ehara i te whakangāwari anake i te tukanga mahi, engari ka tino pai ake hoki te tōtika tukatuka, e āhei ai koe ki te hari i te āwhina i kawea mai e te hangarau i a koe e ngāwari ana hoki te pā ki ngā hiahia tukatuka raihi maha.

2. Te tukanga tika, te kounga tino pai

Kua whakarahia nga taputapu ki tētahi pūnaha hurihuri āhua tiketike, e āhei ana ki te whakahaere tika i te waeine hurihuri kia taea ai e ia kākano raihi te whakamātau tino pai me te pupuri kai. I tērā wā, ka taea e te tango puehu arā atu anō me te hangarau whakamātautau te tango tika i ngā āhuatanga hei whakarite i te mā me te kounga tiketike o te hua kua oti. Ahakoa mō te whakamahi kāinga, te tukanga arumoni rānei, ka taea e Dongji te whakatutuki i ō whakaritenga pākaha mō te kounga raihi.

3. Te penapena pūngao me te parenga taiao, te whakaputa kākāriki

E mōhio ana mātau ki te hiranga o te parenga taiao me te whanaketanga tautoko. Nō reira, i roto i te tukanga hoahoa o te hurihuri raihi mōhio, ka aro atu tātau ki te taupānga o te hangarau penapena pūngao me te parenga taiao. Ka whakakaupapatia e ngā taputapu ngā mīhini pūngao iti me ngā pūnaha whakahaere pūngao māia hei whakaiti i te whakapaunga pūngao me te whakaiti i te pānga ki te taiao. I tērā wā, ka whakaaetia e te ariā hoahoa ka taea te whakamahi anō i ngā taputapu i muri i te taenga atu ki tōna oranga ratonga, e tino taea ai te whakaputa kākāriki.
